Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Turkey Lurkey

We got four bronze breasted turkey poults a week ago. I love their wise brown eyes! We are hoping for a tom and three hens, but we will see!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Cooler temps equal Projects!

Cooler weather and rain inspired us to get to work on the farm! It has been in the mid hundreds for the last week! Today a high of 80!! We are setting fence posts for new Serama enclosures.  The farm boys were busy cutting down overgrown bushes. We sure are thankful for the help of our sons!

Monday, August 15, 2016

We are getting Legit!

Each small step for our farm is so thrilling. We have been approved by the Farmer Veteran Coalition to proudly display the Homegrown by Heroes label on all our goods!

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

In Bee Business

Summer has been busy to say the least! After going to a Texas Agribility Conference we are more confident in our farm direction. A focus on bees and poultry is where we are heading. We are offering hives for lease to interested land owners and installed four this weekend at a local olive orchard. Will be installing two more at a heritage turkey farm in a couple weeks.