Saturday, August 26, 2017

Dirt Roads and Mailboxes

We live down a dirt road... I try to warn people that have never been to our house what to expect; it never works. Our homestead is in South Texas in an area known as the Post Oak Savannah. The soil isn't's sand. Some call it 'sugar sand' because that is exactly what it's like, white sugar. Imagine driving on the beach in the dunes, yeah...folks get stuck. Stuck up to the axle. Happened to us the day we moved in and Hubby was ready to take the U-Haul truck back. He sank in our front field while backing up, a mere $300 mistake! I try to warn folks.. When it rains heavily we can get rained in, unable to traverse our road until it dries out. Kinda nice if you don't feel like company- but not so great if you can't get somewhere for an appointment or work.
At the beginning of the turn off to our dirt road is a group of mailboxes. Our mailboxes are kinda boring in comparison to some..
I love seeing how creative folks are with their boxes. I feel I need to 'step up my game'! These are around the corner from us..
Fancy mailbox or not... Nothing beats dirt road living!

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